Tuesday, 13 June 2017

How To Get Google To Index Your Website

Posted By: Om Maurya - 23:25

How To Get Google To Index Your Website:

The fact is, Google is probably going to index your website, regardless, unless you’ve specifically taken action to refuse indexation (in the robots.txt.)
But you want your website indexed quickly and successfully. Here’s your step-by-step guide to getting your website indexed in the best way possible.

First, Create A Sitemap

A sitemap is a document in XML format on your website. The crawler looks at this page in order to learn all about your website — how big it is, what the most important pages are, and where new content is located. An XML sitemap is the critical first ingredient to successful indexation.
google spider example
The spiders are smart, but they really do need a map.
Without a sitemap, crawling can take a long time — as long as 24 hours to index a new blog post or website.
That’s too long.
With a sitemap, you can shave that time down to just a few minutes.
That’s right. Your website, blog, or new page can be indexed by Google in less than an hour.
One experiment compared no sitemap indexation results to a site mapped indexation result, and the time difference was incredible.
crawl time no sitemap
crawl time sitemap submitted
Once you’ve created your sitemap, you can upload it in the Google Search Console. Here’s how:
  • On your Search Console home page, select your site.
  • In the left sidebar, click Site Configuration and then Sitemaps.
  • Click the Add/Test Sitemap button in the top right.
  • Enter /system/feeds/sitemap into the text box that appears.
  • Click Submit Sitemap.

Create A Robots.txt

The robots.txt is a simple file on your website that instructs search engines what to index and what not to index.
This is the very first stop that a spider makes on its journey to index your website. If your robots.txt says, “don’t index me,” then the spider will move along.
Thus, it’s very important that your robots.txt gives Google unrestricted permission to crawl the site.
Of course, if there are sections of your website that you don’t want to appear in the search results, you can set this up in your robots.txt.
A robots.txt is essentially a list of commands to the search engine that says, “Index this,” or, “Don’t index this.”
The more pages you have on your website, and the more you open these up to the index, the better your indexation will be.

Submit Your Site To Search Engines :

It used to be that webmasters would submit their site to search engines in order to get it indexed.
In fact, some SEOs actually offered to do this for website owners, promising faster and superior indexing.
It’s not totally necessary, but if you want to, you can do so within Google Search Console.
google search console
see this link  know  more about how to submit sitemap   in details: 

Create Internal Links :

The most effective way to boost your website’s indexation is through linking.
The paths that the spiders take through the Internet are formed by links. When one page links to another page, the spider follows that path.
Within your own website, make sure that you’ve created links to and from all your most important pages.
Usually, this happens naturally as long as you have a well-organized website. For example, this standard architecture of a restaurant website links to internal pages with main navigation.
homepage tree
It’s helpful to link between as many pages as possible. For example, you should link from one blog article to another one, or from a blog article to an evergreen content page on your website.

Earn Inbound Links :

The most powerful form of linking, however, comes from outside websites. When other websites link to yours, it gives you a ton of indexation power.
Not only does your website get indexed faster, but it also earns more SEO power.

to know more about  internal links & External links:
Encourage Social Sharing :
Social sharing is a big part of indexation. Since Google and Twitter have partnered to share data, Google can access this form of data quickly and accurately, improving indexation.
to know  more  About    social sharing visit:

Create A Blog :

A blog creates tons of juicy content for spiders to crawl and Google to index. The more high-quality content you put on the web, the more indexation you get, and the more SEO power you earn.
to create  blog visit:

Create An RSS Feed

An RSS feed isn’t absolutely necessary, but it doesn’t hurt.
RSS stands for “really simple syndication.” It is a way to announce the publication of new content. It used to be a popular way to subscribe to blogs, but that has kind of become outdated.
Even so, an RSS feed can be an effective way of telling Google about your new content as soon as it’s published.

how to create rss  feed visit  :

Check For Crawl Errors

Sometimes, a website has issues with crawling. This usually happens when you make significant changes to your website such as adding, removing, or moving pages.
  • To access your crawl report, open up Google Search Console and select your website.
  • Click on Crawl.
  • Click Crawl Errors.
Remember, getting your website indexed by Google is only the first step in having a successful website.


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