Tuesday, 13 June 2017

How To Build Quality Backlinks With Infographics

Posted By: Om Maurya - 07:02

How To Build Quality Backlinks With Infographics


It’s no secret that infographics are popular. Chances are you’ve seen at least one in the last week.
Well-known websites all over the world use infographics, and they often go viral on social media. More importantly, a good infographic can help you build quality backlinks and enhance your website’s SEO2.
If you are searching for new methods to build backlinks from authoritative domains, infographics might be the solution for you. Keeping reading this post, as I’m about to show you how to build links using infographics. It’s one of the hottest and best ways to drive one-way backlinks to your website.
You ready?
Great, let’s do this.

What makes an infographic go viral?

While there’s no secret formula to make an article or an infographic go viral, there are some key aspects all share. These are the common elements viral infographics have:
  • Great design. If your infographic has an eye-catching and outstanding design, you are up for a good start.
  • Well researched and statistical data perform well. Infographics are a visual representation of data. A good infographic has to give useful and researched statistical data about popular topics.
  • Outreach and promote the infographic. Just like the regular content, simply by publishing an article, you won’t have much success unless you do your best to promote it.

Getting started with your first infographic

First you have to choose a topic. If you already have something in mind, do some research and see what infographics are already covering that topic. Let’s assume I want to create an infographic about the most important SEO ranking factors.
It would be wise to check what infographics are already available. Doing a search on Google for “ SEO Ranking factors infographic “, reveals the infographics that have performed well in terms of backlinks acquisition.
search for existing infographics
Get to know what infographics others have done already, and make sure yours will be ten times more informative and attractive.
Create a document and collect all the data and information you need for your infographic. Use a unique approach and try to address readers’ problems. Think about your audience and how would your infographic help them solve a problem. The content of your infographic has to have killer content and data.
Make sure to cite sources when needed.

How to create a good infographic

After you are done documenting the content for your infographic, it’s time to put your data into a nice design. Remember that a good mix of informative data and design can make the difference between a regular infographic and one that goes viral and earns backlinks from authoritative websites.
If you are like me, design might not be your best skill. Hence why it’s better to outsource the designing process to professionals that have greater experience.
My go to place for infographics and any design work that I need to be done is Fiverr. Contrary to popular belief, you can find some great designers on Fiverr that can create awesome infographics for cheap.
and also  go this link for best tool for creating info graphics images:
Search through their portfolio and find the ones with good reviews and great work. While some might do a great job for $5, others will need you to purchase gig extras for a better design.
find designers for infographics
Alternately, if Fiverr is not your thing, you can search for designers on DribbleElanceGuru or UpWork.

Publish your infographic and help it be successful

Uploading and publishing your infographic on your website is often not enough.
You have to make it easy for others to share it.
These are the things you have to do to increase the chances of earning backlinks and shares on social media:
  1. Create an embed code for your infographic, use the SiegeMedia Embed Code Generator.create embed code for infographic
    It’s very straight-forward and easy to do. After adding the generated code on your site, it will look like this:infographic embed code
  2. Make your infographics easy to share on social media by using the Image Sharer App from SumoMe.When someone holds the mouse over the infographic, they’ll be given social media sharing icons, as in the screenshot below.infographic sharing icons
  3. Always publish a content version of the infographic as well. It will help Google crawl the content, and you can rank for some new keywords. Usually, it’s best to have the infographic at the top of the article, and the contextual part at the bottom.

Promote your infographic

Unless you own an extremely popular website followed by tens of thousands of people and journalists, you’ll not have great success with your infographic before you promote it.
These are some of the most popular ways to promote your newly published infographic:
  1. It comes without saying that you have to start promoting your infographic by sharing it with your social media accounts.
  2. Submit a press release. A press release is a great way to tell the story behind your infographic and how it has impacted your readers. Journalists follow press releases1, and if your infographic provides value, you might be featured in great online publications. The most popular press release websites are PRWeb, PR Leap, and PR Newswire. Don’t consider doing press releases if your infographic design and data are average.
  3. Submit your infographic to directories. Here’s a list of the most popular infographic directories, sorted by their fees.
  4. Contact influencers that can help your infographic go viral. Use Topsy to determine who has previously shared similar infographics and get in touch with them on Twitter. Ask for feedback on your latest work, but never ask them directly to share and promote your infographic.If they like your infographic, you might earn a share from someone with a good authority, and also increase the chances of earning backlinks.
  5. One of the most important parts of promoting your infographics is to email bloggers that frequently publish infographics on their websites.You can either use Google to find such bloggers or analyze the backlinks your competitors have gotten with their infographics.Be kind, friendly and make the outreach process look natural. Your goal is to get bloggers to write about your infographic and get more exposure. A good infographic will get a good feedback and earn backlinks if outreach is done right.If the content is king, promotion is the queen.

Measure the success of your infographic

The ultimate goal of an infographic is to get more visitors to your website and earn backlinks that might help you rank higher in Google.
Measuring the success of your infographic campaigns is at least as important as planning them. In order to improve and get better, you have to know what worked well and what didn’t.
Use Monitor Backlinks to get daily alerts when your website earns new backlinks. When someone publishes your infographic, you have to know ahead of time and thank them immediately. This way, you can build a relationship with the blogger, and make connections for your future campaigns.
daily alerts from monitor backlinks
When your infographic is published on other sites, check Google Analytics and see what website has sent the most traffic your way.


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