Domain names are the human-readable Internet addresses of websites. Root domains, which are identified by their domain names, have extensions such as .com, .org, .net, etc. (Ex. Subdomains are a lower-level component of a root domain and precede the domain name. (Ex.
Top Tips
- Word Separators
Avoid hyphens. Hyphens detract from credibility and can act as a spam indicator.
- Top-Level Domain (TLD)
Top-level domains (like .com) are the extensions associated with domain names. For best ranking results, avoid uncommon top-level domains (TLDs). Like hyphens, TLDs such as .info, .cc, .ws, and .name are spam indicators.
- Length
Avoid domain names longer than 15 characters. Short domain names are easier to remember, easier to share, and have a smaller chance of resulting in typos.
Avoid hyphens. Hyphens detract from credibility and can act as a spam indicator.
Top-level domains (like .com) are the extensions associated with domain names. For best ranking results, avoid uncommon top-level domains (TLDs). Like hyphens, TLDs such as .info, .cc, .ws, and .name are spam indicators.
Avoid domain names longer than 15 characters. Short domain names are easier to remember, easier to share, and have a smaller chance of resulting in typos.
What Are Domains?
Root Domains
A root domain is the top level hierarchy of a domain. Root domains are purchased from registrars. The following are examples of root domains:
- *
- *
- *
A subdomain is a "third level" domain name that is part of a larger, top-level domain. For example, "" and "" are both subdomains of the "" root domain. Subdomains are free to create under any root domain that a webmaster controls.
The two most common subdomain choices are:
- (www is the subdomain)
- (has no subdomain)
These are also the subdomains that commonly result in canonicalization errors.
Following are subdomains examples:
(here is main domain & mail and drive are subdomains)
Following are subdomains examples:
(here is main domain & mail and drive are subdomains)
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